Guidance on Recognising and Managing Medical Emergencies in Eating Disorders (replacing MaRSiPAN and Junior MaRSiPAN)
BACD is invited to submit comments to the RCPCH Quality Improvement Committee response to this RCPsych clinical guideline.
The purpose of this guidance is to make preventable deaths due to eating disorders a thing of the past, by addressing eating disorder presentations likely to lead the patient to an emergency department or a medical/paediatric ward. Its emphasis is on medical management in physical and psychiatric care.
The working group that produced this guidance is the fourth to address these issues, succeeding the Management of Really Sick Patients with Anorexia Nervosa (MaRSiPAN) and Junior MaRSiPAN groups.
The project arose out of concerns that patients with severe anorexia nervosa were being admitted to general medical units and sometimes deteriorating and dying on those units because of psychiatric (such as non-adherence to nutritional treatment) and medical complications (such as re-feeding syndrome or due to underfeeding).
This guidance includes other eating disorders that pose a risk to life, in a widening of the scope from that of MaRSiPAN.
The consultation page has all the information and documents you need to review the draft guideline.
To submit comments for inclusion in the BACD submission to RCPCH complete the form below and return to [email protected] by 9am, Monday 6 eptember. Please note that we can only accept submissions received on this form.