"I came to a BACD meeting and found myself in a room full of like-minded people who are passionate about children and young people with disabilities"
Benefits of BACD Membership
It is important that we have a representative membership who can tell us about what is happening locally, for the children, young people and families that we represent. Together we are stronger! Membership is open to all professionals from across the multi-disciplinary team working in childhood disability.
We currently have approximately 550 members and our community is growing. Join BACD to keep up to date with current practice, improve standards and influence the future of childhood disability care.
BACD is an independent charity, representing the needs of childhood disability professionals and support you to provide the best quality of care for children, young people and their families. We are the only body to bring together the whole multi-disciplinary team in childhood disability.
Our membership includes paediatricians and trainee doctors (from neurodisability, neurology, community child health, general paediatrics, palliative care, and child and adolescent mental health), therapists (including speech and language, occupational therapy, physiotherapy), nursing, educational psychologists, and teachers. We do this because we know that care for disabled children and young people is best delivered by multidisciplinary professionals working as a team.
- Show your commitment to childhood disability and your own career development
- Develop your skills and knowledge with our member-only CPD resources and attend BACD online regional meetings for free.
- Keep up to date with sector news and best practice recommendations through our monthly e-news bulletins and quarterly newsletter
- Reduced fees for the Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology journal and other Mac Keith Press products
- Grow your network online and offline with our conferences, workshops and regional meetings
- Meet sector leaders and hear the latest best practice and research with discounted delegate fees to BACD events
- Raise your profile by joining a BACD working group, stand for the Executive Committee, represent your region, present at a meeting or submitting a paper or abstract