Supporting applicants to Senior Clinical Practitioner Research Awards (SCPRA) January 2024
If you are a neurodisability researcher and have expressed interest to your employer that you would like to apply in the first round of the Senior Clinical and Practitioner Research Awards (SCPRA) that closes 23 January 2024, or have received confirmation of support to apply, the BACD is able to offer focused support to some applicants in December 2023 and January 2024 through:
- A 1 hour 1:1 Teams meeting opportunity for you to present the basis of your application to people with expertise in reviewing NIHR Fellowship applications, and receive immediate feedback (in December 2023)
- An opportunity for external peer review of your application, with timely feedback to enable you to make changes to your application prior to submission (you will be required to send your application for review in late December 2023 or very early in January 2024)
To apply for BACD support
- Please provide a two page summary CV that includes information about your role and research career to date, and key achievements and a brief personal statement.
- Please also confirm:
- that you have expressed interest to your employer that you would like to apply in the first round of the Senior Clinical and Practitioner Research Awards (SCPRA) that closes 23 January 2024, or
- that you have received confirmation of support from your employer to apply
Please send your applications by email to: Kelly Robinson by noon, Friday 24 November 2023. Applicants will be notified of whether or not support is available by 1 December and invited to sign up for a presentation and feedback session in December 2023.