Transition from children’s to adults’ services (update)

Consultation on draft quality standard – deadline for comments noon, Friday 20 October

Please email your completed form to: [email protected]

This draft quality standard is now out for consultation. As a stakeholder, BACD is invited to submit comments directly to NICE.

The consultation page has all the information and documents you need to review the draft quality standard. 

NICE is specifically looking for comments on the following questions:

  • For draft quality statement 2: Does this quality statement accurately reflect a key area for quality improvement?
  • For draft quality statement 2: Can data for the proposed quality measures be collected locally? Please include in your answer any data sources that can be used or reasons why data cannot be collected.
  • For draft quality statement 2: Do you think this statement would be achievable by local services given the net resources needed to deliver it? Please describe any resource requirements that you think would be necessary for this statement. Please describe any potential cost savings or opportunities for disinvestment.
  • For draft quality statement 6: We have suggested that this statement could be measured based on attendance at any of the first 3 meetings or appointments in adults’ services. Is this a helpful definition of initial appointments? If not, please suggest an alternative.
  • For draft quality statement 6: Can structure measure a) on arrangements to monitor and assure transitions from children’s to adults’ services be measured in practice? If so, how? Please let us know of any examples where this is already collected.
  • For draft quality statement 6: Is it helpful to include the new outcome measure b) to capture ongoing engagement with adults’ services (1 year after transfer) for this statement?
  • Please let us know about any practical resources that have been developed to improve awareness of this quality standard among young people and their families and carers.
  • What are the challenges to implementing the NICE guidance underpinning this quality standard? Please say why and for whom. Please include any suggestions that could help users overcome these challenges (for example, existing practical resources or national initiatives).

To submit comments for inclusion in the BACD submission to NICE complete the form below and return to [email protected] by noon, Friday 20 October 2023. Please note that we can only accept submissions received on this form. 

We are interested to hear from you even if you have no specific comments to make, and are happy with the consultation document, as this will enable us to feedback to NICE that we support the document.

Comments Form: Transition from children's to adults' services (update)
British Academy of Childhood Disability is registered in England and Wales under charity number 1177868
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