Safeguarding CYP with special needs and disabilities: a multi-faceted approach

Wednesday 7 May 2025

Sheffield and online

Confirmed speakers:

  • The CASPAR Review for young people with disabilities and complex needs in residential care: implications for practice Amanda Allard, Director Council for Disabled Children
  • FASD - challenges of a complex neurodevelopmental condition and it's interface with safeguarding Dr Jamie Carter, Consultant Paediatrician, Designated Doctor for Safeguarding & Designated Paediatrician for Child Deaths, Sussex 
  • Lived Experiences of FASD Jan, parent of a Young Person with FASD  
  • Mental Capacity Assessment and its implementation for safeguarding children and young people with disabilities Stephen Down, MCA & LPS Lead, South Tyneside and Sunderland NHS Foundation Trust  
  • Recognition of sexual abuse in children with disabilities - case management to court report writing Dr Kim Barett, Consultant Paediatrician and lead for NE Forensics

More information on the programme and speakers will be available shortly.

Early Bird Registration is now open until 11.59pm, 16 April 2025 - please scroll down to book

You can find the full booking terms and conditions here.

Please note that we are unable to raise invoices. Bookings must be made via the BACD website below.

Book tickets

Ticket Cost Quantity
Conference Dinner (6 May) only £42.50
EB In Person: Core Paediatric Trainee £85.00
EB In Person: Core Paediatric Trainee (member) £75.00 Members only
EB In Person: Doctor £150.00
EB In Person: Doctor (member) £140.00 Members only
EB In Person: Non-Medical Professionals £85.00
EB In Person: Non-Medical Professionals (member) £75.00 Members only
EB In Person: Specialty Paediatric Trainee £105.00
EB In Person: Specialty Paed Trainee (member) £95.00 Members only
EB Virtual: Core Paediatric Trainee £60.00
EB Virtual: Core Paediatric Trainee (member) £50.00 Members only
EB Virtual: Doctor £120.00
EB Virtual: Doctor (member) £110.00 Members only
EB Virtual: Non-Medical Professionals £60.00
EB Virtual: Non-Medical Professionals (member) £50.00 Members only
EB Virtual: Specialty Paediatric Trainee £80.00
EB Virtual: Specialty Paediatric Trainee (member) £70.00 Members only
In Person: Undergraduate students & Foundation Drs £45.00
Virtual: Undergraduate students & Foundation Drs £25.00

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