BACD & PMHA Joint Specialty Session

  • The psychiatry of Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy: new national guidelines on assessment and intervention from a mental health perspective - Dr. Rory Conn, Consultant Paediatric Liaison Psychiatrist
  • Development of the social brain in context of Neurodiversity and early brain injury - Professor Liam Dorris, Consultant Paediatric Neuropsychologist, Honorary Professor of Clinical Neuropsychology, Royal Hospital for Children

Abstract presentation topics:

  • Professional and family experiences of a novel model of care for children with disabilities
  • How can specialist leisure activities benefit disabled children with continuing care packages and their family-carers
  • At what age do children and young adults with disabilities and scoliosis stop needing regular review in spinal deformity services
  • Comparison of clinical presentation and management of children and adolescents with ARFID between paediatrics and psychiatry: a prospective surveillance study
  • Investigating the relationship between systemic inflammation and behavioural outcomes in children who were born preterm

Full information about the conference can be found here.

British Academy of Childhood Disability is registered in England and Wales under charity number 1177868
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