
Each and Every Need

National Confidential Enquiry into Patient Outcome and Death (2018)

Measuring and Weighing Guidance

Mid Upper Arm Circumference measurement video

Your Tube Study instructional video on how to measure the mid-upper arm circumference (2020)

Growth Charts

UK-WHO growth charts - neonatal and infant close monitoring (NICM)

  • Plotting very preterm infants and those with significant early health problems such as weight faltering form 23 weeks gestation to 2 years corrected age. 

UK-WHO growth charts - 0-4 years

  • Preschool infants and toddlers requiring plotting of growth data in primary or secondary care up to age four. 
  • Suitable for moderately preterm infants (32-36 weeks gestation).

UK-WHO growth charts - 2-18 years

  • Assess growth of school age children and young people in primary or secondary care. 
  • Includes guidance on the onset and progression of puberty, a BMI centile lookup, an adult height predictor and a mid parental height comparator.

UK-WHO growth charts - childhood and puberty close monitoring (CPCM)

  • Modification of the main school age chart for use in children with growth or nutritional problems and will be ideal for use in specialist clinics and special schools.

UK-WHO growth charts - Down Syndrome, 0-18 years

  • The 2011 growth charts are jointly badged by RCPCH and DSMIG and are representative of healthy children with Down Syndrome living in the UK and Republic of Ireland. 
  • Growth can be charted from term to 18 years.
British Academy of Childhood Disability is registered in England and Wales under charity number 1177868
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