Join our colleagues at The Disabled Children's Partnership in demanding a fairer system of support for every disabled child and family.
Email your MP and demand they #SENDABetterMessage.
#SENDABetterMessage calls on the government to use its SEND reform programme to create a more just, fairer system of support for disabled children and families – one that is easier to navigate and gets them the services they’re entitled without having to fight for them.
Currently, too many disabled children and families have to battle through a confrontational and bureaucratic system to get the services they’re entitled to in order to live a good quality of life – with different services providers not working well together and unclear accountability. This campaign aims to challenge this broken system.
The campaign was launched shortly after the government published its SEND Green Paper in March 2022 and was designed with parent carers and supporter organisations from the DCP.
Download the full briefing on the campaign and the Green Paper
For more information about the campaign click here