Join us at 6pm on Wednesday 2 November for the formal launch of the BACD Weigh to Go! campaign.

Speakers Karen Horridge and Jill Cadwgan will give an overview of the Weigh to Go! campaign, why it is important that disabled children and young people are regularly weighed and measured, and how organisations can apply for Weigh to Go! accreditation. This will be followed by a Q&A session.

The event will take place as a webinar via MS Teams. When you register you should receive an automated confirmation email with the link to join - please ensure you input your email correctly!


Dr Karen Horridge, Clinical Co-ordinator, NCEPOD Each and Every Need; and Consultant in Paediatric Disability, City Hospitals Sunderland NHS Foundation Trust

Dr Jill Cadwgan, BACD Hon. Secretary and Weigh to Go Lead; and Consultant Paediatrician in Neurodisability, Evelina London Children's Hospital

British Academy of Childhood Disability is registered in England and Wales under charity number 1177868
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